
Coding Bootcamp vs. Computer Science Degree: Which should you choose?

September 9, 2021

Are you choosing between a four-year degree or an immersive online coding bootcamp? Consider the pros and cons of each option to achieve the best return on investment. Let's take a look at the comparisons and the numbers so you can calculate an ROI.

Workers without a college degree → return on investment

You don’t need to be a computer science graduate or have a bachelor’s degree in software engineering to earn a great income, but those without a degree or training can find themselves at a disadvantage in the job market. Consider an online coding bootcamp from Eleven Fifty Academy if you've always dreamt of being a software engineer. See how you can get an entry-level position in the tech industry with our free intro to coding course.Bootcamps are immersive and provide the education you need to advance beyond what you learned in high school. With upfront career coaching and hands-on training, you’ll learn technical skills and coding languages that translate directly to the workplace.Jobs are abundant for bootcamp graduates without college degrees. While enrolled, bootcamp students learn extensive coding skills in many programming languages that translate to jobs in many industries including:

  • Data science
  • Web development
  • Software development
  • Cybersecurity

If you don’t have a college degree but are ready to get the training you need to enter the tech industry, there are many benefits to attending an online coding bootcamp:

Tuition savings

While four-year computer science programs may tout high earning potential, the repayment of student loans is often a heavy burden for years to come. Bootcamps offer programs that are specialized to match career paths without the core curriculum requirements. This allows bootcamp grads to fast-track their way to a job at a startup or tech company.

Fast-track courses

Four years is a long time to commit to learning a discipline. With Eleven Fifty, you can complete a course in as little as 12- to 14-weeks.


Eleven Fifty Academy online courses are available as both full-time programs and part-time programs, making it easier for those who want to pursue education while still working another job. Our full-stack training programs provide a quality curriculum and real-time one-on-one instruction for both virtual and on-site students.

Specialized curriculum

Whether you’re looking to become a software developer or an operating systems programmer, Eleven Fifty Academy offers a full range of opportunities to help you meet your career goals. The best way to get started is to attend a free online intro course to learn more about the wide variety of courses available for bootcamp students.

Overall return on investment

It's important to understand the pros and cons of a four-year program when compared to a coding bootcamp. In a study by Course Report, coding bootcamp graduates report earning on average $90,421 per year. Choosing the right program can save you time and money. Take a few minutes and fill out the ROI calculator to see for yourself. For more information about online coding bootcamps and transitioning into a career in coding, contact an admissions advisor for more insight. They will be happy to help you get started.

Career growth opportunity → salary

If you already have a degree but are looking to change careers or enhance your skills at work, it’s hard to know if you’re taking the right approach (and even harder to know if the effort will pay off).According to a study by CNBC, 70% of graduates leave college with student debt. We know that it’s hard for students to willingly take on more debt, especially if it takes many years to master a new skill set. If you’re debating going back to school or considering an online coding bootcamp, keep the following in mind:

Tuition costs

The annual tuition costs for college students only continues to climb. Eleven Fifty Academy programs are streamlined as an immersive experience that fast-tracks bootcamp grads to their career goals so they can quickly advance their career. Ninety-nine percent of Eleven Fifty Academy students are also eligible for scholarships and other forms of financial aid.

Time commitment

Two- or four-year degree programs are just that—a track on which you learn new skills on a traditional college timeline. If you’re planning to continue working full-time while obtaining new skills, earning a new degree can take even longer. With Eleven Fifty, even part-time students can plan to finish a course in 6-months or less. Bootcamps make it easier to land a job placement, or get that promotion you’ve been vying for in a short amount of time.

Potential earning loss

Time spent in the classroom is time not spent earning your desired salary. Let’s look at web developer salaries in Indiana:

  • According to Glassdoor, an average salary is $62,901 per year and on the rise
  • When we look at the opportunity for earning $62,901 over four years, the total lost earnings is over $250,000
  • Adding in the cost of tuition, this is a loss for those who opt for a four-year degree and miss four years of earnings

Take the next step!

If you're ready to discuss the option of online coding bootcamp vs. college, our admissions advisors would be happy to speak with you. To start, fill out the short application so the enrollment team has a better understanding of what programs you might be interested in pursuing. From there, they’ll be in touch to help you learn more about Eleven Fifty Academy.

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